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Nature trail by the River Mura

With the season changing from the summer to autumn and temperatures getting lower and lower, the nature slowly goes to sleep. However, before that happens I have taken a walk through the forests surrounding the River Mura. The River Mura is a special river with a spectacular and very diverse ecosystem. The river has many meanders, oxbow-lakes, chute cutoffs and neck cutoffs which are the reasons for its diversity. The River Mura is dangerous as its current is very strong and it used to flood the region very often. On the other hand it used to be and in some cases still is the source of life. It offered food, means of transportation, water and so on. It is still used for grinding grains at mills on the river, there are still rafts carrying people (mainly tourist) over to the opposite bank of the river. These rafts were the only possible way of crossing the river in not so distant past. And the mills on the River Mura were very common, but it is only one working mill left.

As I love nature, the surroundings of the River Mura are a perfect spot for a walk and a great opportunity for taking photos. So here are some I took a few weeks ago.


About the gear used: As usually the camera in my hands was an X-Pro2 this time accompanied with a wide angle lens Samyang 12mm and a zoom lens Fujinon 55-200mm. They both performed flawlessly, the image stabiliser in 55-200mm lens works wonders and the Samyang is so wide you have to be careful when framing. Enjoy:

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