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International Debate Tournament - IDTL

As an English language aficionado I was really delighted to be able to attend the finals of the International Debate Tournament held in Ljutomer, Slovenia.

Some further information about the tournament: there were six debate rounds, quarter-finals, semi-finals and finals. Debates were in English in the Worlds Schools Debate Format. The tournament was power-paired, for the tabulation they used Rich Edward's computer programme TRPC. And this time it was the 16th tournament organised by the high school Gimnazija Franca Miklošiča Ljutomer. The themes were very interesting, from legalising drugs, withdrawing from the International Criminal Court, removing of the 2nd Amendment to regretting the privatisation of space research and travel. The teams in the finals were USA Red from USA and Logos Bermuda from Slovenia and they exhibited excellent knowledge of English language and tremendous fluency. They were way more convincing in their statements than many of our politicians. By the judges' decision the more convincing team was the USA Red team. Congratulations.

Logos Bermuda - Taja Kovačič, Iza Jerman and Vasja Grošelj

USA Red - Ranen Miao

USA Red - Ella Michales and Nikhil Ramaswamy

Logos Bermuda - Iza Jerman

USA Red - Ella Michales

Logos Bermuda - Iza Jerman

USA Red - Nikhil Ramaswamy

Logos Bermuda - Vasja Grošelj

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