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Arcanum: Andreas Schaerer & Lucas Niggli

I am on an e-mail list of JAZZ MARIBOR @ Narodni Dom Maribor for quite some time now. By their recommendations I have seen at least a dozen of jazz gigs in Maribor. Every time I receive their "invitation" to a gig and the description of the performers I say to myself now this is going to be interesting or this is not for me. However, this last notice has left me hanging. The description mentioned two performers, one plays the percussion and the other uses nothing but his vocal cords accompanied with some electronics. Somehow I convinced my wife and myself to give them a chance. And boy were we in for a treat. Andreas used his crystal clear voice in ways I couldn't imagine possible and Lucas was just insane on his drums and other tools. It was an adventure to witness their virtuosic usage of the instruments, besides that they also engaged and entertained us a whole lot. So it was an unforgettable gig and I hope they come back soon.

Andreas Schaerer

Andreas Schaerer

Lucas Niggli

Andreas Schaerer

Andreas Schaerer

Andreas Schaerer

Lucas Niggli

Andreas Schaerer

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